docklink logo revised

Simply put, our Receiving Management System generates a quantifiable ROI while either reducing or eliminating operating expenses. Our software can integrate with WMS, ERP, RF systems, and Carrier Logging Devices (ELD) ensuring all bases are securely covered in real-time reporting.

DOCKlink® works with SMARTtote® & TEMPtrace to better track your valuable products and ensure delivery on time!

VIsibility • accountability • productivity

DockLink monitors and manages gates, the dock area and the entire unloading progress of every truck in real-time; giving a user a visual of work in progress, work completed and work anticipated.

DockLink dynamically assigns and reassigns inbound loads, people and equipment resources, as needed based on user established parameters.

DockLink calculates expected unloading time and work requirements for the load based on the PO; providing operators valuable workforce planning tools.

DockLink maintains a vendor and carrier delivery history to evaluate delivery performance and/or Vendor Compliance agreements; often improving relationships and financial performance.

DockLink tracks truck’s movement and unloading activities with time stamps; from point of arrival at gate until departure; with electronic notifications provided to the driver.

DockLink’s dispute resolution capabilities extend beyond OS&D, late fee penalty disputes and carrier detention fee claims.  Vendor compliance reporting ensures agreements are enforced without damaging relationships.

The DockLink Receiving Management System triggers real-time inspections of every load; including but not limited to OS&D (overages, shortages & damage). 

DockLink Integrates with carrier ELT’s to capture trailer data immediately; notifying buyers, vendors and carriers of problems; including but not limited to early, late, damaged and/or rejected loads; providing supporting documentation with attachments via text messages, emails and/or dashboard reporting.

Our Receiving Management System triggers action to dispose of loads with exceptions so that every step within the receiving process is done via corporate best practices.

DockLink continually reviews and reports on both supplier and carrier scorecards in real time.

Processes the payment in real-time using direct bills, credit cards, COMCHEK, COMDATA, and others., doing away with cash or check passing on the dock and daily bank withdrawals and deposits.

Contract parameters are set in the system and partners are alerted instantly if they have breached the parameters of the smart contract.  Notifications can include predetermined penalties for accessorial items (rescheduling, late appt, pallet restock fees, detention) as well as other expenses (unloading fees, short-shipped or rejected products).

Of course, we still calculate unloading fees and the DC’s % share of the fee based on P.O.

Carriers & Vendors can schedule dock appointments over the web and monitor in REAL TIME. The system pre-populates and validates an appointment with order and shipment details.

Audit Trails of all appointment changes & communication is easily accessed by carriers & vendors and simplifies & speeds dispute resolution.

Carriers, Vendors & Warehouse Staff are sent email notifications at different milestones during the appointment booking process.  These notifications, which include a link back to the online entry, ensures all relevant parties are informed whenever there is an exception to the planned delivery.

Seamless Integration with TMS, WMS.  Features for reoccurring appointments, compliance tracking, and all labor management functions (consolidates supplier, trucking and actual DC schedules versus delivery accuracy and timing.

Tailorable dashboards and reports with performance-based KPI’s and historical analysis of gate, dock and unloading operations is just the start.

Real-Time interactive Dock Progress interface allows vendors, drivers and operators to see progress and exceptions as they occur.

Customization of Dashboards is fast & easy.  Drop down menu’s allow users to quickly navigate to the information they need most.

The DockLink Receiving Management System offers hybrid individual and team compensation options.

Calculates pay incentives for individuals or team based on performance factors including but not limited to:

  • Difficulty of the load
  • Unloading time
  • By load, by job or by piece


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DOCKlink® users challenged Inbound Technologies to solve a problem that needed both a Hardware & Software solution for the safe & secure delivery of pharmaceutical products via trackable totes.

The SMARTtote was born to meet our clients’ “Dream Product” needs & wants. The SMARTtote is also Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) compliant.

Easy to deploy, SmartTote has the ability to ensure the exact location of the product at all times.

GPS-enabled and Geofenced routing provides users with visual identification of the product’s location in real-time.

“Expensive products should always be VISIBLE within the supply chain.”

While priced slightly higher than purchasing a plain tote, the SmartTote can be tracked on screen from any web browser; boasting the ability to monitor temperatures while employing anti-tampering protections and reporting.

Success and Exception Reporting are parameter based and are presented in real-time to all parties.

“Expensive products should always be PROTECTED.”

Inbound Technologies boasts integration with the DockLink Receiving Management System (RMS) and can be supported as a stand-alone product if users should choose.

Manufactured in our own facility affords us the opportunity to customize SmartTotes according to clients’ needs or desires; fulfilling orders in a short period between purchase and deployment.

“Product should always be READILY AVAILABLE.”

Geofences are used to identify origins, waypoints, and destinations. Data integration establishes a set of circumstances to trigger tracking devices and reporting. Backend software routinely compares data integration with destination ETA, location, and geofence status. Reporting is triggered based on the timing and movement of the product until its arrival at its predetermined location.

Automated receiving processes with guaranteed receipts, as well as monitor the battery life of your devices.


DOCKlink® users challenged Inbound Technologies to solve a problem that needed both a Hardware & Software solution for the safe & secure delivery of pharmaceutical products via trackable totes.

The TEMPtrace was created to fit in any tote so that you are not bound by a specific storage container size. TEMPtrace is also Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) compliant and works in tandem with DOCKlink®.

Patent pending in process (taking your GPS location info and matching it with shipping information. TEMPtrace not only tracks where a product is but tells you when it’s supposed to be there.

When, where, and notifications if the shipment is late. TEMPtrace adds geofences so you’re notified if your shipment leaves a certain area. You will always know where your tote is supposed to be for any given shipment/route, as well as smart notifications for exceptions that go along with it

  • TEMPtrace Dimensions: 5” Long X 2 ½” Wide X 1 ¼” High – 4.8 Oz (Need To Update If Incorporating)
  • Device Is Placed Inside Tote Between The Ice Gel Packs With Product
  • Whenever Movement Is Detected Sends Telemetry Information On a Timed Schedule
  • No Movement Detected Device Will Go Into A Sleep Mode And Send Telemetry Every 24 Hours As An “Active” Signal
  • Commands Will Provide Temperature, Humidity Remaining Battery Life, Location, And Light Sensor Updates
  • Commands Are Customized To Send the Frequency Of Updates As Requested
  • Devices Will Have A Unique Bar Code And Act As A License Plate

Pharmacy Cold Chain & Controlled Substance Delivery Monitoring

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