DockLink users challenged Inbound Technologies to solve a problem that needed both a Hardware & Software solution for the safe & secure delivery of pharmaceutical product via trackable totes. The SMARTtote® was born to meet our clients “Dream Product” needs & wants. The SMARTtote® is also Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) compliant.
Easy to deploy, SmartTote has the ability to ensure the exact location of the product at all times.
GPS-enabled and Geofenced routing all provide users with visual identification of the product’s location in real-time.
“Expensive products should always be VISIBLE within the supply chain.”
While priced slightly higher than purchasing a plain tote, the SmartTote can be tracked on screen from any web browser; boasting the ability to monitor temperatures while employing anti-tampering protections and reporting.
Success and Exception Reporting are parameter based and are presented in real-time to all parties.
“Expensive product should always be PROTECTED.”
Inbound Technologies boasts integration with the DockLink Receiving Management System (RMS) and can be supported as a stand-alone product if users should choose.
Manufactured in our own facility affords us the opportunity to customize SmartTotes according to clients needs or desires; fulfilling orders in a short period between purchase and deployment.
“Product should always be READILY AVAILABLE.”
Geofences are used to identify origins, waypoints and destinations. Data integration establishes a set of circumstances to trigger tracking devices and reporting. Backend software routinely compares data integration with destination ETA, location status and geofence status. Reporting is triggered based on the timing and movement of product until arrival at its predetermined location.
Automated receiving processes with guaranteed receipts, as well as monitor the battery life of your devices.
We’re a software company that is passionate about helping companies like yours increase productivity, save money, and keep your products on time for delivery. Let’s connect!
© Copyright 2023 Inbound Technologies, LLC®. DOCKlink® is a registered trademark of Inbound Technologies, LLC®.